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Mostrando entradas de marzo, 2021

How Long Is Forever? Does It Always Mean Eternity? (State of the Dead)

How Long Is Forever?  Does It Always Mean Eternity? Rober L. Odom    The town had been stirred by the sermon preached the night before on the subject of hell. Now, on the following day, a small group had gathered to listen to a neighborhood argument over the matter.     "But doesn't Revelation 20:9 say that 'fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them'?" asked George Brewster, as he argued with Joseph Blevins.     "Yes," retorted Joe, "but doesn't the tenth verse of that same chapter of Revelation say that 'the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever '?"     And so they argued, and neither of them knew the way out of the dilemma.     There are expressions in the Bible, it can not be denied, that puzzle and perplex, and at times even appear to contradict each other. Of course, the Holy S

Justification and the Cross - By Angel Manuel Rodríguez

  Justification and the Cross Ángel Manuel Rodríguez A. Introduction       Justification is an image, used to interpret the significance of Christ's death, taken from the court of law. Two passages (2 Cor 5:18-21; Rom 5:8-9) bring together reconciliation and justification by faith. The two terms are almost synonymous; but they express different ideas. They are brought together because both are actions of God made possible through the sacrificial death of Christ. Let us concentrate on the connection between justification by faith and the cross of Christ, or more precisely the effect of the death of Christ on the human race. Such study must begin with Rom 5:12-19, where Paul explores the universal significance of the death of the Lord. This is one of the most controversial passages in the NT and deserves careful attention. B. Analysis of Rom 5:12-21       Romans 5:12-21 seems to serve a double function. It seems to bring to an end the previous section and introduces topics t